Located in the heart of the Florida Panhandle between Tallahassee and Pensacola,
Dogwood Acres sits just off of County Road 279 near Vernon, Florida. The nearest commercial airport is Panama City International.
Printable Map and Directions to Dogwood Acres
Attention GPS Users: If your are traveling from the North along Hwy 77 please ignore your GPS' guidance if it tells you to turn on Mud Hill Rd in Wausau. Continue driving South and allow your
GPS to recalculate with the instructions to turn on Hwy 279.
For those traveling along I-10, take Exit 112 (Bonifay/Panama City) and take Hwy 79 towards Vernon. In Vernon turn Left onto CR 279, aka Moss Hill Rd at the blinking light. Dogwood
Acres is 4 miles down on the Left.
From the Southwest, take Hwy 79 North to Vernon. In Vernon turn right onto CR 279,aka Moss Hill Rd, at the blinking light. Dogwood Acres is 4 miles down on the left.
From the Southeast, take Hwy 77 North to the junction of CR 279, aka Moss Hill Rd, at the blinking light. Turn Left, Dogwood Acres is approx. 5 1/2 miles on the Right.
For immediate assistance in locating the camp, call the camp office at (850) 535-2695 or cell (850) 867-2800.
From Panama City – 32 miles/45 minutes
From Pensacola – 117 miles/2 hours
From Tallahassee – 106 miles/1 hour 45 minutes